Glossary of Diagnoses and Terminology

The answers you desire with the compassion you deserve. Here you will find comprehensive information about congenital anomalies — written for families experiencing the emotional complexities of the diagnosis.

Pediatric Palliative Care

Pediatric Palliative Care is specialized care provided to pediatric patients and their families following the diagnosis of a life-limiting condition. Pediatric palliative care patients range in age from birth to 21 years old; however, pediatric palliative care services can begin prior to birth. Pediatric palliative care is both patient and family-centered, designed to support the physical, emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual needs of the patient and their family. Care for the patient is focused on symptom management, pain relief, and quality of life, no matter how brief that life may be. Care for the family is focused on family quality of life, making memories, stress relief, care coordination, decision-making, meeting needs, and facilitating communication with medical professionals. Care is provided on an ongoing basis, both in a hospital setting or in the comfort of a family home. Given the comprehensive support provided by palliative care, these services should be offered to families as soon as possible following a life-limiting diagnosis. [78]