It might be easy to assume that men are less emotional and more capable of compartmentalizing grief. While this may be true in some, it is important to not generalize and dismiss the very real emotional toll grief and loss have on men.
For Medical Professionals
A Conversation with the Founders of Carrying To Term
Carrying To Term’s mission and vision are the result of two broken-hearted parents who love with abandon and genuinely want to see the standard of care improve and change for other parents facing a prenatal diagnosis of a life-limiting condition.
The Importance of Nurses to Carrying To Term Families
Like with the doctors and other medical professionals, families look to you, nurses, for information, support, and validation.
Mother’s Day: Acknowledging Grieving Mothers
For many, this day is a reminder of the pain that accompanies infertility as well as pregnancy and infant loss.
Carrying To Term Versus Carrying To Full Term
We explore the difference between these two commonly used phrases.
Choice: Why Families Deserve Carrying To Term as an Option
Parents fare the best when they are fully informed and equipped to make the right decision for their family.
Legacy: The Why Behind the Desire and the Importance of It
Many parents seek to find new meaning in the loss and create a sense of purpose as a result of what they have been through.
Changing The Standard of Care
We believe that, with your help, we can create change that improves the standard of care for all the parents who will also walk this path.
Supporting Families: Free Brochures for Better Patient Support
We believe that our brochures are a tool to help medical professionals and their patients feel empowered, informed, and supported.
For Medical Professionals: Communicating with Parents
Simple words spoken from a sincere heart is the foundation for communicating well with grieving parents.
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Grief, and Mourning
In recent years, more support resources have become available for parents experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, and the taboo is beginning to lift.
Though it may seem to you, after time has passed, these families have healed, it is important to remember that they never truly stop grieving.