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We are happy to share new resources and information that continue to become available to our community. We are dedicated to publishing them regularly on our blog, so you will always have a place to learn the latest and feel supported.

For Parents

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

This day is about pausing to hold space for the babies whose lives ended too soon. It is about entering in and remembering the parents, their love for their child, and their desire to honor that baby.

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Children’s Grief

You may be wondering how to even begin the process of telling your children about the diagnosis affecting their baby brother or sister. Know that there is no perfect set of words when it comes to this experience.

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A Father’s Insight: Andy Schoonover

Families need to be notified of all the options they have when they encounter a prenatal diagnosis. They have the choice to terminate or to carry their babies to term. Both choices should be communicated clearly and without bias.

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A Conversation with the Founders of Carrying To Term

Carrying To Term’s mission and vision are the result of two broken-hearted parents who love with abandon and genuinely want to see the standard of care improve and change for other parents facing a prenatal diagnosis of a life-limiting condition.

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A trigger is something that initiates- or triggers- memories, emotions, or even flashbacks that bring you back, mentally and emotionally, to the moment of diagnosis, loss, or intense feelings of grief.

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