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We are happy to share new resources and information that continue to become available to our community. We are dedicated to publishing them regularly on our blog, so you will always have a place to learn the latest and feel supported.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Jasmine’s Story

Nobody else knew what she said. But I was inconsolable. I couldn’t bring those words to my lips—I couldn’t breathe those words. My partner was looking at me in fear willing me to say it, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t, because saying it meant it was real.

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Elizabeth and Gaui’s Story

“Our doctors were very doubtful that our son would make it to term, let alone twenty weeks, due to all the problems he had. Yet, our son was kicking away, letting me know that he was still there with me.”

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Hannah’s Story

“Yet for all those moments I wished it were over, I would not now trade a moment of Micah’s life for anything. The pregnancy was harder because of the diagnosis, but we still continue to be thankful for the time we had with our son.”

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Rachel’s Story

“No matter the outcome, we knew her little life would have impact, and it did. She changed my life. She changed the lives of our families and countless friends, too.”

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Marilyn’s Story

“We had already chosen her name, Ha’ani, which means “this day” in Chamoru. Whatever time God would bless us to have with her, we were going to embrace. I prayed for strength to make it through whatever would come, and selfishly, I prayed for a miracle.”

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Sara’s Story

“Tears flow freely for our daughter, and we miss her more than words can express. Our arms ache to hold Claire again, but our hearts are full of the love we have for her and each other. Claire’s life was short, but incredibly meaningful.”

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